I spent five years of my management consulting career at McKinsey & Company, and I am aware that many young and ambitious applicants would like to follow my steps. Maybe you are one of them? You may want to ask yourself: Is it “worth it” to become a consultant?
Undoubtedly, starting my career at McKinsey has been a life-changing event for me. At YOUinConsulting, I intent to provide you with maximum transparency on how a career as a top management consultant really impacts both your business and private life – positively and negatively.
In this video, I therefore reflect openly on the pros and cons of a consulting career, picking the top five aspects of it that I like the most, while also highlighting the five darkest sides of consulting life, so that you can hopefully figure out for yourself: Is it worth it?
Watch the video until the end to get a clue on the question – looking back at my McKinsey consulting career – whether or not would do it all again…!? Furthermore, enjoy the fairy tale theme of “heaven and hell” of consulting life… And please do not feel offended that the video starts off from a graveyard…